Wednesday, July 9, 2008

oh my goodness

AAHHH I cannot wait until Aug 2nd/Dec12th. I forgot to add that on my list of "things i can't wait for!!" Its an addiction that I am ok with and I don't care what anyone thinks. Countdown anyone?


Matt and Dionne said...

That was the BEST surprise EVER!!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you get that from the Lexicon??? I haven't made it to that site yet today. Did you ever get a chance to read the character bios and personal correspondence?

Matt and Dionne said...

Did you read the personal correspondence? I liked those better than the character bios:) My friend got me hooked. I use to go to Stephenie Meyer's site but now I mostly just go to the Twilight Lexicon every couple of days:) Have you read all the deleted scenes from the books on Stephenie's website? She also has pics of all the cars and prom dresses. Obsessed...I know...

Melly Mae said...

oh my gosh. i can't wait either. i am due the 15 of dec and you betta believe NO MATTER WHAT is happening with this baby, curto and i will be in that theater on the 12 I SWEAR. it really is an addiction...but i love it. i fugure its okay as long as i pace myself and remember to eat and sleep while reading them! lol. ps- i love you.

Bri said...

sarah! tis brianne. i was sooooo about to post this on my blog! ah! i love it.

Anonymous said...

ahh i can't wait either. but he is SO not cute. shes amazing though!!!!

Nicole said...

I'm seriously so excited too! Mckay security was a great way to get into those books. I seriously love them! It is funny how many posts I have seen about the book coming out Aug 2 and the movie. We are not alone Sarah with our addiction!

Kate and Peter Lowe said...

I haven't even finished the first book and I am so excited! AH! I can't wait!

Bri said...

stephanie speaks blasphemy.
i love his powdered donut chest.

Unknown said...

SARAH GILBERT!!! I randlonly found you on blog!! Crazy!! I know i can't wait for Twilight to come out, ahh! Hope all is well!

matt and amie said...

I just started the first book, so far it is so good! But I must admit I pictured Edward a lot hotter then the guy in the movie. Bummer! How are things with you?